Police Records Division

The Records Division of the Police Department is located in the main lobby.

* Reports are usually ready in 5 business days from the date of incident.

Note: By law, certain police records are not considered public records. The Hillside Police Department may redact parts of reports or deny records pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1, et seq.

Records Division Hours of operations:

Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm (Tuesday until 6:00pm)

Copies of Accident Reports

Can be obtained from Records Division  or Via the Internet by:

1. Visiting www.crashdocs.org/nj-hillside

2. Entering the Date and  Case Number provided  to you by the officer at the time of the report.

Fingerprinting for most state/federal background checks:

Fingerprinting for employment, firearms applications, personal record checks, liquor licenses, etc. is conducted at the Sagem Morpho applicant centers. Please stop by the records division at police headquarters for the necessary paperwork and instructions for scheduling an appointment with the applicant center. For more information click here.

Fingerprinting for federal background checks only:

Tuesdays 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm (No appointment needed)

Wednesdays 11:00 am to 1:00 pm (No appointment needed) 2:00 pm to 7:00pm (Appointment only- 2 days advanced notice)


Fee Schedule:  
Police Reports- (in person) Pages 1-10 no charge
  Pages 11-20 $0.50 per page
  Pages 21+ $0.25 per page
                           (by mail)  $5.00
Fingerprint Cards  $10 per card
Photographs 8x10 B&W- $10 each
  8x10 color- $20 each
  4x6 color- $5 each
Communication Tape $17.50
Copy of Video Tape $30
Firearms Purchase Permit $2 each
Firearms Carry Permit $50 plus fingerprinting fee
Firearms Identification Cards $5
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